Jules Jules

How to Start A Successful Podcast in 2024

Should you start a podcast? Although the industry's looking to rake in about $4 billion by 2024 and some podcasters are really cashing in, making hundreds in affiliate sales per episode, standing out in the saturated podcast market can be challenging. So if you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast here’s what you should keep in mind.

I’ll be real with you. Although the industry's looking to rake in about $4 billion by 2024 and some podcasters are really cashing in, making hundreds in affiliate sales per episode, standing out in the saturated podcast market can be challenging. So if you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast here’s what you should keep in mind.

Understanding The Podcast Landscape

First, what's your “why”? Why do you feel like you need to start a podcast? If it’s to make money – there’s some hard truths. Podcasting takes a lot of time to make money even if you have a following already. One of my clients had a combined following of about 500,000 on instagram and it took them two years to monetize.

Is it because you like to talk about things that matter to you? Half of podcast listeners are women between the ages of 12 and 34 – who love listening to podcasts by other women. On the top end of the age range, listeners of podcasts have a higher median income in general, are more educated and willing to try new products, trends and trust the recommendations they get from their podcast hosts. So if you’re a woman who has a unique perspective to share and value to give to a niche audience, starting a podcast could be for you!

I always lead with honesty when people ask me about starting a podcast, because consistency over time is the only way to make your mark and eventually bring in some income from your show. Be willing to put in the work, and spend anywhere from 5-8 hours per week on your podcast to start with.There’s a bit of a learning curve as you learn the ropes, but if you can implement some strategies for time management and leverage technology for the editing and promotion process, you can do it! 

Launching Your Podcast

Launching a podcast can be an exhilarating venture, and having a structured plan can make all the difference. Check out my blog post with a checklist for launching your podcast for more tips. Here’s what you need to get started:

1. Choose a Name for Your Podcast: The name of your podcast should mirror the essence of your content. It should be concise, easy to remember, and easy to spell. Opt for a timeless name that's also SEO-friendly to help potential listeners find your show easily.

2. Design Your Podcast Cover Image: Your cover image needs to grab attention. Use bold colors and maintain brand consistency to make your podcast stand out. The image should be high-quality, ideally 1400 x 1400 pixels to meet Apple Podcasts' standards. Don’t forget to gather feedback on your design! I use Canva for templates and easy-to-use design tools.

3. Craft a Compelling Podcast Description: Begin with a captivating hook that draws listeners in. Clearly outline what your audience can expect and showcase the unique perspectives of your hosts. Include a call to action (CTA) encouraging listeners to subscribe right from the launch.

4. Select Intro Music: Your intro music sets the tone of your podcast, so choose a tune that aligns with your show’s theme and energy. I use a royalty free website called Soundstripe.

5. Have Multiple Episodes Ready: Launch with at least three episodes. This allows your audience to binge-listen and get hooked. Vary the content and format of these episodes to explore what resonates with your audience. If possible, feature a notable guest to help draw in listeners and promote your podcast. I use Descript for recording and editing podcasts, and it’s super beginner friendly! For hosting your website, there’s a ton of options, but I recommend Captivate.

6. Develop a Promotion Strategy: Prior to launching, prepare a robust promotion plan. Utilize consistent email marketing and an active social media presence to build anticipation and engage potential listeners. Tools like veed.io and Opus Clip can help you select viral-worthy content from your podcasts and create multiple podcast clips to share on social media in minutes using AI.

7. Establish a Recording Schedule: Consistency is key in podcasting. Set a regular schedule for recording—pick the same day and time each week—and establish clear deadlines for when episodes need to be published. It’s more important to be consistent than put out a ton of content only to burn out. Podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint!

8. Analyze and Adapt: After your first 10 episodes, review the feedback and analytics. Be open to adjusting your content and promotional strategies based on what your listeners prefer. You can find this information from your RSS feed on your hosting platform.

By following these steps, you’ll set a solid foundation for your podcast and position it for ongoing success.

Need Support? I got you!

Ultimately, if you have a unique point of view and value to share, you’re wanting to connect with your community and willing to put in the time and effort, working in podcasting can be so rewarding! Wondering if starting a podcast is for you? Check out other shows in your niche and see how you could stand out or what else you can bring to the table.

If you need help starting or optimizing your podcast, I’m here to help! Check out my TikTok for more tips.

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Jules Jules

How to Monetize Your Podcast

Monetizing your podcast is absolutely possible! Podcast ads aren't just a way to make money—they're actually appreciated by many listeners, especially when the ads feel personal and relevant. Edison Research tells us that podcast fans are 54% more likely to think about buying a product they heard about on one of their favorite shows. Here’s how you can make money from your podcast.

Did you know that over 42% of Americans listen to podcasts monthly? And that number is expected to rise by at least 5% by 2025! With so many people tuning in, and the audience only getting bigger, there's a fantastic opportunity for you to monetize your podcast. What's even cooler is that the money in podcast ads is booming, with revenues expected to exceed $4 billion by 2025. Most listeners are pretty open to ads, especially when they come from a voice they trust and provide genuine recommendations.

Understanding Podcast Advertising

Podcast ads aren't just a way to make money—they're actually appreciated by many listeners, especially when the ads feel personal and relevant. Edison Research tells us that podcast fans are 54% more likely to think about buying a product they heard about on one of their favorite shows. Here’s how you can get into the game:

1. Host-Read Ads: You read the ads yourself, which makes them feel more personal and can really connect with your audience.   

2. Dynamic Ads: This tech-savvy option uses ad-serving technology to slot in pre-recorded ads into your episodes. It's great because you can switch ads in and out easily, perfect for promotions or special deals.   

3. CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): This is where you earn based on how many listeners actually buy a product or sign up for a service through your podcast. It's super for smaller podcasts because you don't pay anything upfront.

Pricing Strategies

When it comes to how much you can make, it usually depends on how many people are listening. The common way to price ads is by CPM, which stands for cost per mille, meaning the cost for every 1,000 listens. Bigger shows usually do well with this. For example, AdvertiseCast says you can expect about:

  • $18 for every 1,000 listens for a quick 15-second ad at the beginning of the episode.

  • $25 for every 1,000 listens for a longer 60-second ad somewhere in the middle.

Selling Ad Space

Ready to start making money? Here’s how to get those ads on your show:

  • Look at brands you already love and use; reach out to them directly.

  • Join a network or hook up with a podcast ad agency that can help connect you with advertisers.

  • Check out tools like Podcorn, which help link you up with brands that fit your podcast's vibe, taking a lot of the legwork out of finding sponsors.

Building Your Foundation

First things first, you need to focus on building a solid, engaged audience and keep your podcast episodes coming regularly. You’ll generally need about 5,000-10,000 downloads per episode before you can start thinking about sponsorships.

Maintaining Relationships

Once you start working with sponsors, the key to keeping them around is showing them that your audience is sticking around, too:

  • Show off how consistent and engaged your audience is.

  • Talk about the value of sticking with it for the long haul so your listeners really get to know and trust the sponsor's products or services.

  • Always shout out your sponsors on social media and in your newsletter to give your listeners every chance to engage with the sponsor.

Podcasting is more than just a fun hobby—it can be a great way to make some serious cash. By understanding how ads work, what kinds of ads you can sell, and how to price and sell them, you're well on your way to turning your podcast into a profitable venture. Remember, it's all about creating and keeping strong partnerships that benefit you, your audience and your sponsors. Here's to making your podcast a success in every way!

If you need support growing your show or connecting with podcast partners, I have great connections and experience with both! Reach out to me and let’s chat about how to make the most of your amazing show!

Source: Ultimate Guide To Podcast Advertising by Buzzsprout

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Jules Jules

Time Management Tips for Podcasters: Stay Organized and Efficient

Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to streamline your process, managing your time effectively is crucial to running a successful podcast. Here’s a friendly guide full of practical tips to help you keep everything on track and make your podcasting life a little easier.

Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to streamline your process, managing your time effectively is crucial to running a successful podcast. Here’s a friendly guide full of practical tips to help you keep everything on track and make your podcasting life a little easier.

1. Stick to a Schedule: Try to record at the same day and time each week. Pick a slot when you feel the most energized and productive—it'll make a big difference in the quality and energy of your episodes. Use a calendar like Google Calendar to plug in your recording, prep, editing, scheduling and promo assets creation time. You can even make it recurring each week, and attach a checking to the calendar invite if you want to go the extra mile 🙂

2. Plan Your Production Schedule: Work backwards from your air date. Give yourself at least one, but preferably two weeks, to get your episode ready from recording to release. This helps you avoid last-minute rushes and ensures quality. I keep track of the production schedule in a Google spreadsheet including recording days and air days so I know what’s coming up and what needs to be prioritized!

3. Build in Buffer Time: Always allow some extra time in your schedule for unexpected tech issues or late guests. It’s way better to have a little wiggle room than to be stressed out before or after an interview.

4. Stay Ahead: To that point, try to be a couple of weeks ahead of your release schedule. This buffer means you're prepared for any unforeseen delays and helps maintain a steady flow of content. It also helps you avoid burnout or overwhelm in the long term!

5. Plan Monthly: Get your content and guest lineup sorted out at the beginning of each month. It's much easier to manage when you know what's coming up. Set a monthly recurring meeting with yourself and your team to plan.

6. Mix Up Your Episodes: Alternating between solo shows and guest interviews can keep your content dynamic and engaging. This mix also gives you flexibility in scheduling and preparation.

7. Outline Solo Shows: Before you record, outline your solo episodes. This keeps you focused and ensures you cover all your points efficiently.

8. Schedule Post-Production and Social Media: Block out time each week on your calendar for post-production and creating social media content. You'll likely need about twice the length of your podcast episode to prepare show notes and a couple of hours for social media. Tools like Canva and AI-based platforms like veed.io or Opus Clip can be super helpful for making eye-catching social media clips.

9. Keep Episodes Concise: Aim for 30 minutes for solo episodes and 45 minutes to an hour for interviews. Keeping to these times helps maintain listener engagement and prevents you from burning out on the mic! On this note, try not to schedule more than 2 episode or guest recordings in one day.

10. Organize Your Assets:  Keep everything related to your podcast—audio files, notes, promotional materials—well organized. I use Google Drive, but Dropbox works great too!

11. Prep Your Guests: Communicate with your guests well in advance about the topics and any logistics they need to know. This makes the recording process smoother and less stressful for both of you. I usually like to send an email touching base on the upcoming recording 2 days in advance to address any last minute issues or questions.

12. Use Smart Editing Tools: If you’re looking to up your editing game while also saving yourself time, Descript is a game-changer. It lets you read and listen to your recording, easily cut out what you don’t need, and even highlight parts you want to feature on social media.

Managing your podcast efficiently not only helps reduce stress but also improves the quality of your episodes. With these tips, you'll be able to keep your podcasting process smooth and enjoyable. Remember, the key is consistency and preparation. Whenever you need more support, I’m here to help! I have production and promotion services available if you need help with growing or monetizing your podcast. Reach out to me today for a free consultation!

For more tips, follow me on TikTok!

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Jules Jules

Your Ultimate Checklist for Launching a Podcast

Launching a podcast can be a thrilling journey, and having a clear plan in place is crucial for success. Here’s your ultimate checklist to make sure your podcast not only takes off but also thrives!

Launching a podcast successfully involves a mix of strategic planning, creative content development, and effective promotion. This can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the space! One of the biggest reasons why 90% of podcasters don’t make it past 3 episodes is because it can be a lot to manage, but I’m here to let you know that you can do it! If you implement a strategy and tools that can help you be consistent, launching and growing a podcast can be incredibly rewarding. Here are some essential tips to consider when launching a podcast:

1. Define Your Niche and Audience: Understand who your podcast is for and what specific niche it will fill. This helps in creating targeted, relevant content that resonates with your intended audience. I suggest searching for and listening to similar shows in your niche to get a feel for how you can bring a new perspective to the audience. You can do an exercise that personifies your ideal listener. Write down their name, where they like to shop, where they live, what TV shows they watch, where they shop, what food they like to eat and even what they look like. This can help you create an avatar of your listener so you can tailor your content to them from the start!

2. Craft a Compelling Podcast Name and Description: Your podcast name should be memorable, relevant to your content, and easy to search. The description should clearly articulate what the podcast is about, what listeners can expect, and why they should listen. Make sure to research current podcasts out there so your name is unique and stands out. Using alliteration, puns, or visual cues in your title can make it catch your ideal listeners’ eyes and ears :)

3. Invest in Good Quality Equipment: Good audio quality is crucial; poor sound can turn listeners away. Invest in a good microphone, use pop filters, and consider the acoustics of your recording environment. You can record in a closet to reduce echo, and look at second-hand retailers for gently used items to save on cost, especially in the beginning. Make sure to do several test recordings to get used to the new recording equipment and how it works. I use Descript for recording and editing. It is extremely efficient and user friendly. For remote recordings, I use Riverside or Zencastr.

Suggested Microphones:

  • Entry Level - BlueYeti

  • Mid Level - ATR2100

  • High Level - Rode Procaster

I have a list of home studio quality equipment I recommend for all my clients!

4. Create Engaging Content: Plan your episodes to be engaging and informative. Start with a strong intro, keep the content dynamic, and end with a clear call-to-action. Use stories, interviews, and varied formats to keep the audience engaged.

5. Record Multiple Episodes Before Launching: Launching with multiple episodes (typically three or more) allows new listeners to dive deep right away, which can help increase listener engagement and retention.

6. Develop a Consistent Posting Schedule: Regularity is key. Decide how often you want to post new episodes—weekly, biweekly, monthly—and stick to it. Consistency helps build a loyal audience. I always like to plan out episodes a month in advance, and have a 2 week preferred lead time between recording and publishing episodes.

7. Promote Your Podcast: Utilize social media, email newsletters, and other platforms to promote your podcast. Consider creating a website or a blog for your podcast. Engage with listeners through social media and encourage them to subscribe, rate, and review regularly.

8. Leverage SEO Strategies: Use relevant keywords in your podcast title, description, and website to improve visibility in search results. This helps in attracting more listeners organically. You can type in your topic or niche into Google, TikTok and Instagram to get the top keywords on those platforms.

9. Utilize Podcast Directories: Submit your podcast to popular directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and others to maximize your reach. You can do this all at once through your RSS feed — where you publish your podcast. I recommend using Captivate.

10. Gather and Act on Feedback: Listen to feedback from your audience to improve your podcast. Use listener surveys, read reviews, and adjust your content based on the audience's preferences.

11. Monetize Your Efforts: Once you have a steady audience, consider monetizing your podcast through sponsorships, merchandise, premium content, or listener donations. Check out my blog post, How to Monetize Your Podcast, for more information on how to do this!

12. Network with Other Podcasters: Networking can provide cross-promotion opportunities and valuable insights from more experienced podcasters. You can reach out to podcasts with similar audience sizes first and offer to interview them or share an organic recommendation for it on your show in an episode. This is a great way to open the door for collaboration. Exposing your show to like-minded audiences is an incredible tool for growth! Look at the “Suggested Shows” feature on Spotify from your show’s page as a place to start finding podcasts that are similar to yours.

By following these tips, you can enhance your chances of launching a successful podcast that attracts and retains a dedicated listener base. I know this can be a lot, but I promise once you get a flow going, you’ll be able to create content seamlessly. If you need support, that’s what I specialize in! Reach out and I’d love to chat about how I can help you grow your show. You can also learn more tips on my TikTok. I hope this helps!

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