How I Landed My First Freelance Client

From Full Time to Freelancer

After building up my career for a few years working in the marketing and fitness industry, in 2018 I began working full time at a nutrition supplement company, Ancient Nutrition as the Influencer Marketing Specialist. At the time, proving your ROI as an Influencer was still a bit of the wild west, and my team had the incredible opportunity to pioneer what success looked like in the space.

I met and worked with so many creative, passionate and hard working individuals. The role allowed me to connect with people I never could have imagined I would meet. I was so inspired and motivated by what I was doing, and wanted to break the stigma around the new space in advertising and social media, that I even started my own podcast about the influencer industry called Added Value. I interviewed Influencer Specialists on the brand side and influencer talent to get their take on the new, innovative industry. 

At this time, I was also exploring my personal growth path and diving into wellness and spirituality. Podcasts were the new thing, and I quickly found and fell in love with a podcast called Almost 30. As part of one of our influencer activations and podcast advertising strategy, we partnered with the hosts for a live community event. After meeting them in person and seeing their impact firsthand, I knew I had to be a part of what they were doing!

A Cold Email Changed My Life

It was the perfect opportunity to shoot my shot to learn from and work for women I admired in a field I was extremely passionate about. So, I sent them a cold email explaining I had no official experience in podcast management, but I had learned a lot by starting my own podcast, expressed how listening to their show impacted me and how I could contribute to their mission. I offered up my relevant experience working with talent, my organizational skills and familiarity with the backend of podcasting based on starting my own. To my surprise, they actually replied to my email and the rest is history! 

One call led to one meeting at Erewhon in LA (while I was there on a work trip that magically aligned with the timing!) and I was hired as their part time podcast manager! It was the most exciting opportunity I had received professionally and I couldn't believe I landed a dream job with one part manifestation, one part being at the right place at the right time, and one part cold emailing! It really showed me the power of putting yourself out there and going for what you want.

The Reality of the Freelance Hustle

I kept my full time job for the first six months I worked with them. I am really glad I decided to take it on as a side hustle, but it wasn't easy! I ended up driving from San Diego (where I moved at the same time I started the job) to LA and back on my birthday, worked weekends, and did not have great boundaries with work at the time. However, it allowed me to prove myself and pitch myself for another role in the company, taking my position with them full time. This allowed me to slowly become a freelancer with the security of working full time in two positions for one client. I also learned more than I ever could have in school or in a traditional job setting.

I am so unbelievably grateful for this experience and opportunity, as it has led to me creating my dream life and job working as a freelancer. I didn't know it then, but taking the chance and pitching myself for this side gig ended up being the turning point for my career, and introduced me to almost every client I've had the pleasure of working with since.

Above all else, my journey is a testament to the popular saying, "what's meant for you will always find you." I couldn't have dreamed or planned my path would unfold the way it has, but I have taken the lessons I've learned and opportunities I've been given to heart, and never for granted. If you work hard, aren't afraid to try new things and put yourself out there, your biggest dreams (ones you might not have even known you had), just might come true!

Building My Freelance Confidence

From there, I was able to continue leveraging my connections and continued receiving interest by people I had worked with directly and indirectly along the way. I was contacted by a previous guest on the show I had worked for who was impressed by my organization and communication style while coordinating her interview, and she offered me a role as her Director of Operations.

I was referred clients in the podcast space and landed opportunities working with small business owners, influencers and people doing really cool things in the health and wellness space. Over the last 3 years, I have continued to say yes, even if I knew it would push me out of my comfort zone and force me to learn something new.

10 Tips for Freelancers (From A 3-Year Vet)

Being a freelancer means constantly evolving, staying on top of the latest trends, pushing boundaries and believing in yourself. It means being the HR manager, CFO, social media manager, email marketing specialist, sales team and everything in between. It’s been liberating and terrifying, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

If you’re considering becoming a freelancer, here are some tips to help you step into the role with confidence:

  1. Walk before you run: Start taking on clients while you have a full time job. This allows flexibility to gain your footing while still having the security of consistent income.

  2. Allow yourself to learn as you go: You don’t have to have it all figured out at once. When I got my first client, I didn’t have a website, an invoicing process or agreement template ready to go. I had to learn as I went, as I gained clients and opportunities, refined my process. Freelancing Females is a great resource for setting up the processes and systems of your freelance business! That being said, it’s so important to…

  3. Give free consultation calls: This is your shot to “woo” your potential client. Do your research: listen to one of their podcast episodes, scour their website, read their blog, study their social media. Wherever you plan to jump in and add value, come to the call with tips, ideas and helpful guidance on how you can help them achieve their goals. Plus, it’s just as important for you to know if you’re a good fit for your client as it is for them to know you can do the job. Creating long lasting partnerships is incredibly value as a freelancer, since technically you don’t have much job security. You want to make sure your skills, and personalities, are aligned to make sure it’s a great experience for both of you! Make sure to follow up with notes and what was discussed in a timely manner.

  4. Protect yourself: Draft an agreement with every client you have that specifically outlines your role, responsibilities, deliverables and the rate you’ve agreed upon. I have used Honeybook to create and send agreements, but you can also ask ChatGPT to draft one for you! I recommend adding terms for termination, like requiring a 30-day notice.

  5. Organize your invoicing system: I use Wavve to set up invoices, recurring invoices, and track my payments. This makes doing my taxes at the end of the year much easier, and makes sure I get paid on time!

  6. Keep track of your client wins: As a freelancer, it’s important to be able to show your value to potential and current clients. Setting up a portfolio, blog post, posting on LinkedIn, social media account, etc to show how you’ve brought value to your clients is a great way to showcase your talents and remind yourself how badass you are!

  7. Connect and collaborate with other freelancers: We know how hard it can be out here, and referrals are the best way for freelancers to get clients! I love recommending people for roles when I’m not a great fit, or think someone else could do a better job. Sometimes it’s important to know your limits and spread the love, especially since there’s really just one of you. Plus, I strongly believe in karma!

  8. Do monthly check ins: Whether it’s part of your agreement or not, I recommend reaching out to clients for a minimum of monthly check ins. Provide insight on the progress you’ve made, share tips or advice, and create space to ask how you can continue to provide value and support to them.

  9. Ask for testimonials: After you’ve worked with a client for a substantial amount of time, don’t be shy to ask for a testimonial for your website or LinkedIn! You’ll be surprised at what a confidence boost hearing how you’ve impacted your clients is, and it helps to show prospective clients browsing your site what they can expect from working with you.

  10. Always stay curious: Part of the freelance life is filling some dead space in your schedule with productive ways to expand your skillsets or interests. Subscribing to newsletters like the Morning Brew, Freelancing Females, and Go-to Millions are great ways to stay up to date on the latest news, marketing and business trends. Also, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos and researching new tools and platforms can help you elevate your offerings to clients or simply your confidence knowing you are in the know of the latest news, trends and technology.

If you have any other questions about becoming a freelancer, please send me an email — I’d love to connect and chat with you! If you have any more advice or best practices, feel free to share in the comments. WE’VE GOT THIS!


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