career, podcast, social media Jules career, podcast, social media Jules

Celebrating Client Wins & Managing Career Ups & Downs

Building My Brand

I am a proud multihyphenate freelancer with a background primarily in PR, podcasting and social media with an emphasis on brands in the health and wellness industry. I've worked with clients on all parts of their businesses; from operations to team management to marketing. I am well versed in supporting the client journey and connecting with them through strategic marketing. I am sort of an organizational processes nerd. I know what it takes to build a brand with meaning and longevity, that the why behind what you do is the key to success, and that the secret sauce to having a team that thrives is a shared goal and mission.

I'm proud to have helped unload some of the backend business operational tasks from creative entrepreneurs so they can focus on what they do best. I am proud to have coordinated interviews with top experts (like Jay Shetty, Mel Robbins, Glennon Doyle, Gabby Bernstein, Mari Llewelyn, Barbara Corcoran, Dr. Zach Bush, Sophia Amoruso, Kelly Leveque, & more) and topics that have expanded thousands of people's personal growth journeys. I am proud to have shared the messaging of efficacious brands aiming to make the world a healthier place through emerging mediums. I'm proud to have connected with hard working, heart-centered individuals who care about making a positive impact in the world. 

Celebrating Client Wins & Risks Taken

One client experience that stands out is with my first and longest client, Britt Piper, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. Through consistency and strategic content creation I helped her grow her social media presence on Instagram from 19k to 202k in 3 years, leading to a 7 figure book deal. I've helped her streamline her program and bring in 4x the revenue to her business and aligned her with opportunities to spread her powerful story and make a real difference in people's lives. 

I also had the opportunity to take on the full production process for one of my long term podcast clients, Confident Collective. While I started out as the podcast manager with my role including booking guests, making edits, choosing social media clips, writing the titles and show notes, I pitched myself to take on the full scope of production. I was able to manage the entire process from start to finish, bringing on an audio engineer and using emerging AI tools to optimize social media choices and creating video content for social media. It was a big bet on myself and responsibility to make sure everything was executed flawlessly, but allowed me to prove to myself – and my clients – that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to.

Embracing Career Ups & Downs

As a freelancer, you never know when you’ll gain or lose a client. Full time work is a rare and fleeting feat. I’ve had periods where I could barely handle my workload, and periods when partnerships seemed to end one right after the other. I’ve learned that both experiences are fleeting, for better or worse.

I've grown and adapted my business as often as needed, especially during slow periods. I fine-tuned my own invoice system, I made my own website, started a blog, committed to a monthly newsletter and even created my first free podcast downloadable. I started sharing my knowledge on TikTok as I looked for ways to expand my own impact and reach to help others. I am not afraid to say yes even when I may not always know the how (yet), and continue to provide timely, thorough and well-executed work for anyone I work with. I stay in the know on the latest trends and news in my industry, and am always looking to learn more.

Some days I am confidently taking steps forward, and some days I don’t know how to keep managing the uncertainty and stress of not having a consistent income. I am lucky to have a partner with a more stable job to allow me to be able to take this risk, but sometimes it feels unsettling to not have a solid plan for the future.

I’d be lying if I said I had it all figured out, I don’t. I trust in the timing of my life. I trust my intuition. I believe in myself, and do something to put myself out there and improve myself every day.

I am proud of my journey, but I also know it's only the beginning. I'm excited to see where my skills and passions take me next!

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